Sunday 14 August 2011

Adopt an Actor

My name is Errol Clayton and I have been offered a place at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. The course fee's are £10 000 and the Government to date has no funding in place for an MA in the Arts, so that means I have to raise the money myself, and that's exactly what I am determined to do. The course starts in September of 2012, and I have just 10 months to raise the money, I am applying for a number of Arts Bursaries and Grants, I will also be performing at a fundraising evening in the New Year and I am writing to a number of actors who have inspired me and are therefore a little responsible for my chosen profession, to ask them for sponsorship.  I've also created this blog to keep people up to date with my progress and so that anyone who wants to can make a donation.

The theatre is an expression of civilisation, it can be used as a tool to both entertain and to educate, I believe this course at RADA would give me the tools I need achieve my ambitions as an actor, it would be a way to a better place, and your support would make you a part of that. RADA's fee's are substantial and sometimes it is the case that places that are offered on merit have to be declined and taken by those who can afford to accept them, they become repository's for the privileged. I don't believe it should be this way, the financial circumstances to which you are born should never stop you from pursuing you dreams nor do they define intelligence, ability and talent. With hard work, determination and a bit of luck I will raise the money and I would be so grateful for any help you can give me along the way, so if you are able to make a donation every little penny helps, or if you know anyone who might be interested in sponsoring, please direct them here, and feel free to leave me a message. 

Thank you so much for your time and support

Errol xx

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